Craniosacral Therapy
Edmonton Area
CranioSacral Therapy (Cranial Sacral Therapy) is a gentle hands-on approach which helps to integrate restrictions and misalignments of the whole body. Part of this delicate work is the fine tuning and balancing of the bones of the skull (cranium) and the sacrum. The practitioner uses holding and gentle pressure to induce a deep relaxation and to activate the self-correcting mechanisms of the body. CST is effective for many conditions and is especially known for its beneficial effects on the head and brain.
CranioSacral Therapy works well and is safe for every age and beautifully complements other therapies like physiotherapy, occupational therapy and acupuncture.
Children and Youth
Why is Craniosacral Therapy so Effective?
The CST practitioner helps the body to come into a functional alignment. We don’t force the body into a specific position, but we facilitate for the whole of your body to find the alignment you need. During this process the energies of a traumatic impact or situation held in the tissues can also disperse making space for new energy to flow.
The meninges (membranes that surround our brain, spinal cord and cerebrospinal fluid) are very important – and often forgotten. These membranes are attached to the bones of the skull and the sacrum. When accidents or inflammations cause the meninges to become restricted or to seize up, other parts of the body are also affected. Through the bones of the head and the sacrum we access and free these membranes, and your whole body can then rebalance and function with more ease.
Knowledge of anatomy is paired with intuition and deep and quiet listening to the signals of the body. During the initial assessment, I identify the areas of the body which hold the most tension or lack of vitality, and the potential connections to the symptoms.
The lightness of the touch helps to gain access to all levels of your tissues. Imagine someone is pushing hard into your belly. Will you immediately go into resistance and tighten up.
The light touch won’t create resistance, instead the hands of the light-touch therapist are able to work in harmony with your tissues.
What Conditions can Craniosacral Therapy Help Resolve?
- Concussion
- Post concussion syndrome
- Swelling, Numbness
- Headaches, migraines
- Stress
- Neck and back pain
- Joint pain and stiffness
- Whiplash
- Jaw problems / TMJ dysfunction, difficulty swallowing
- Difficulty sleeping / Insomnia
- Vertigo, Dizziness
- Ear problems
- Digestive issues
- Liver stagnation, feeling heavy in the liver area
- Brain fog, difficulty thinking, memory issues
- Burn out, low energy, chronic fatigue
- Anxiety, Depression & PTSD
- Pain support after surgery
CST has also shown to be valuable
in treating or supporting
- Pregnancy and delivery
- Infants: failure to thrive, difficulty latching
- Tongue tie / Ankyloglossia
- Childhood Development
- Seizures
- Tics, Tourette's
- Autism: improved speech and social interaction
- Birth Trauma
- Spasticity
- Aging
- Dementia
- Process of dying
Craniosacral Therapy FAQ
Yes, CST is generally safe for all ages if it’s done right.
Contraindications or precautions are:
Very recent stroke, aneurysm in the brain, Chiari, brain tumor, fresh brain injury,
Please wear a thin layer of comfortable stretchy clothing. You can remain fully dressed.
It depends on how much you can handle and what your situation is. Most sessions are 60 – 90 minutes long, sessions for children under 12 are 30 minutes and some people, especially driving a long distance, appreciate a 2 hour long session.
With some people I have the agreement to have 2 hours available and then go as long they need. They pay for hands-on time only.
It is hard to predict as it depends on what you are presenting with, how fast your body responds and what your goals are. Most people notice an improvement after one session but a series of 4-5 treatments within 2 months can make a more noticeable difference.
CST usually feels very pleasant. Sometimes pain or discomfort from past experiences can emerge and you are encouraged to work through it. This sensation generally disappears during the treatment.
CranioSacral Therapy is based on the discovery of subtle rhythms, pulses and flows within the craniosacral system and the whole body. When I place my hands on your body at certain places, such as the head, ribcage and legs, I sense subtle movements in the tissues. I am reading or assessing the craniosacral rhythm, which can be felt everywhere in the body. When I find irregularities or asymmetries, or even areas of non-movement in the craniosacral system, I get an idea where your body needs help. Often I move by intuition or directly knowing where to put my hands during a session.
CranioSacral Therapy is very gentle and non-intrusive – the gentler the touch, the deeper the body will let me in. If I used a strong touch, your body would likely go into resistance and I couldn’t reach where I need to work. Massage therapy uses a stronger, harder touch, and you can feel the effects right away on the muscular level. With CranioSacral touch you might not feel much, but that does not mean that nothing or little has happened.
What I do is so subtle that many people don’t notice it. CST works with the subtle movement of the bones and the craniosacral rhythm. If you get CST more often, you might learn to tune in and notice more of what is happening.
It is likely that your body comes into a new alignment during the session. After the treatment you might feel minor aches or pains for a day or two as the body adjusts to the new position. Especially on the day of the treatment it helps to drink water and avoid caffeine. Soaking in a bath tub with Epsom salts can help you to integrate the aftereffects of a session, especially if you have a tendency for back pain or joint pain. I recommend that you take it easy for at least one day after the treatment and pay attention to your posture. Move carefully and avoid lifting heavy weights for the adjusting period. (Go shopping before the session, not right after!)
I found that sensitive individuals or people with brain injuries need to plan lots of resting time for the rest of the day as they often feel very tired afterwards. (The energy levels usually pick up after a day or two).
It can be helpful to write down dreams as the subconsciousness can get activated.
For some people it has been valuable to bring the topic/realization of the session into a piece of expressive art: painting, drawing, writing,…
It can be good to be alone, go for a light walk, connect with nature or do whatever nurtures you.